Here comes the first pitch

Hi, everyone! Welcome to my MLBlog.

I want to thank MLB for allowing me the opportunity to do this new, hi-tech form of speaking to you. I have been vehemently resisting learning how to do things on the computer. Being a child of the ’60s, I am not compelled to change and become modern. Those around me have convinced me it’s time, so here I am.

Let me tell you a little bit about what I am doing. Approximately six years ago, my wife Nancy and I sold our home in Connecticut and built a house in California. We are native Californians and it feels good to be back home.

The funny thing is I moved to California and was in semi-retirement and then I became a broadcaster for the New York Mets, five years now and it brings me back to the East Coast each March through September. It feels good to come to New York because it was home for a very long time and we have a lot of wonderful memories here, both personal and professional. While I played in other places, I will always be a New York Met.

Speaking about the Mets, we should all be very excited about what is going on with this team. All Met fans should be very excited about the two young players on the left side of the infield. There will be a learning curve over a period of time and we will see these two young players develop into top notch major league competitors. The key to success in major league baseball, regardless of position is learning from your mistakes mentally and physically. And that leads to the top notch level of play and both these individuals have that potential.

The core players will carry this team. Beltran, Beltran_1 Floyd, Piazza and Cameron. And any team that is going to succeed must have high quality consistency in their pitching.

The new manager, Willie Randolph has done an excellent job. He is calm, cool, collected and totally focused on what he believes is the right direction for this team. You can’t miss when you go to grad school working for the very successful Joe Torre.

Again, thanks for allowing me the opportunity to blog with a fellow HOFer and a 1969 World Series nemesis, and my friend Brooks Robinson. Looking forward to blogging with you again soon and don’t forget to check out my website at and my partner website at



    You do great on the WB11 Tom. Thanks for letting Seinfeld call it like it was on Sunday. “OVER THE WALL AND OUT OF HERE!”



    From a NY kid who grew up in the sixties, you were my hero. I have a large collection of your “stuff” including a Sports Ill with you on the cover in a Red’s Uniform.Had a chance to meet you once at a Yankee game. I believe you are the greatest right-hander of all time.


    OH…this is just wonderful. I remember how much I loved watching you back on Kiner’s Korner…that laugh. I’ve moved to New England…and I’m a huge Red Sox fan now, but I grew up with the Mets and you were absolutely a brilliant pitcher who helped cultivate my love of this game. Thank you and I love forward to reading your blog.


    Hey Mr Seaver!

    I picked up a book about you when i first learned to read, the one that talked about how you were not allowed to cross the street growing up and used to play catch with your friend on the other side of the street. Neither of you would miss a catch for fear of losing the ball. It was an elementary school autobiography, I must have checked it out of the library at least 15 times.

    Since than i have been a huge Mets fan.

    Keep bloggin as I will keep checking. I look forward to reading more.


    Oh my…it’s Tom Terrific himself.

    Ever since Clemens and Maddux have hit the mark, I have been obsessed with the 300 win milestone, and I am incredibly thrilled to have the opportunity to read the thoughts and feelings of one of the players that has reached this magical milestones. Although I was barely half a year old the day you won your 300th game, I am still in awe at getting to interact with one of the baseball greats, even if it is through this technological barrier. (I personally think Tom Glavine has a very good chance of getting to 300 within the next three years. He can become the first pitcher ever to get win no. 300 as a New York Met.)

    Good luck and have fun in getting to be more familiar with the art of blogging.


    I can remember a few days in my life that had or still have a deep impact on me.

    In no particular order: The days my children were born, the day I was married, the day my mother died, and the day Tom Seaver was traded by the Mets.

    From a life long Mets fan (since the Polo Grounds)……….

  7. Bob

    this is what’s great about the MLBlogs…to have legends blog and let us, the fans write back to you knowing you will read this. Welcome to our blogging community Mr. Seaver. I look forward to reading your posts!



    I have been a Mets fan since 1973 mainly because of you. I collected all of your baseball cards,posters etc I even followed your career after leaving. YOU were my idol. So when I actually got to see you recently during spring training I was really excited…That is until I asked you for an autograph.
    The 2 times I asked you did not even acknowledge me. Well, I guess you are just too busy…Thanks 4 the memories


    This is great! I look forward to further posts from one of the more insightful of baseball commentators. And don’t sweat the tech stuff-as a fellow child of the ’60s,I remind you that one of the primary tenets of that era was to embrace change. Or,perhaps in this case,change-ups.


    Hey Tom.
    I wasn’t alive when you pitched but I know you were one of the best. I’m 15 years old and I never miss a Mets game. I love when you announce and you say,”He tried to throw a 150 MPH fastball” or “Hit a 5-run homer.” I’m just wondering but how fast did you used to throw?


    Tom, it’s great to have a chance to get some baseball insight from you in this forum. I’m looking forward to it. On a personal note I’d just like to say that I am 42 years old and you are the reason I became a Mets fan and a great fan of baseball in general. You have carried yourself in the most professional manner possible and was a great role model for young people of our era.


    Tom, off of baseball and on to wine for a second. When can we expect to see the first bottles of Seaver on our store shelves? Also, what varietals will there be? You can put me down for a case of the first batch! 🙂


    Very nice to be able to hear from you Mr. Seaver, its a great addition to the Mets website.


    Welcome to the temperamental world of onllne opining. And did you really “tackle” Nancy before asking her out on your first date, as written in “The Perfect Game”?

    I’m looking forward to reading your insights into the Mets and into the game, and I do so wish you were able to broadcast every single game with Keith Hernandez and Dave O’Brien. Your color commentary and genuine love for the game is a welcome relief from the bland cynicism I hear in so much baseball broadcasting.

    Good luck in this latest endeavour!

    Keisuke Hoashi, the Cockeyed Optimist


    Seaver, you’re great on WB 11 because you’re not timid about talking about controversies. Piazza has just created one, and you should talk about it. He got an autograph from Rush Limbaugh (the self-righteous right wing freak) and then compared the experience to meeting George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or the pope..all according to the NY Times. Can you believe that? The Times said the curse of Limbaugh was in full effect this week as he went 0 for 21 against Atlanta, and bounced four throws on attempted stolen bases. Whatever your politics, Piazza’s love affair with Limbaugh is wacky, and shows that he has lost it.


    Dear Tom:
    I believe I may possibly have seen every game you pitched at Shea Stadium. I grew up in Queens and my uncle was a cop at the press gate and me and my cousin used to ride our bikes to Shea via Northern Blvd and after the first inning he would open the gate and we would wheel our bikes into a little room the cops used as a break room and proceed to the upper deck. We always sat on the extreme right side all the way on the top and watch the game. If Shea was partially empty we would try to sneak down closer but Uncle Pete warned us to stay out of the box seat area as we would get caught. I celebrated the 69 clinching along with my brother on the field. Most of my other uncles were in construction and helped build the stadium. One night we all drove to Shea before it was opened and were “allowed” to play a couple of innings of softball with about 20 other kids of the contractors who worked there. Actually there are a lot of homes in Queens who’s backyards have the same exact strain of sod as Shea because the trucks made a few stops along Astoria Blvd first. I am so glad to be able to share this with you because you were the premier pitcher of your generation and a true hero to millions of NY Kids. When I had kids of my own I always told them I bleed orange. We had awesome seats in the World Series because my uncle grabbed a scalper and told him to give those 4 kids tickets to every game. We sat 4 rows back of the 3rd base dugout, it was a teenagers dream. We got to heckle Baltimore. We keep yelling ” Your Doomed”…I’ve been with the team from the beginning and root for every player every at bat. I saw Mike Piazza hit his first home run at Shea because I drove down from upstate with my kids and we sat in the upper deck and from the crack of the bat I stood up about 3 seconds before anyone else and roared because I had seen a ton of homers hit from that exact seat in my days. Welcome to our world



    To watch 41 was power and finesse coming together, that pure perfection of a windup with the explosive high heater that seemed to start at the belt and rise thru the letters like a rocket, yes maybe TS is the true 1st Rocket of Modern age pitcher, being a lefty pitcher myself the only other pitcher of that era I can say was mesmerizing to watch was Lefty, Steve Carlton, true power. TS was more polished, but what a delight to watch back in my college days Seaver duel Carlton at the vet to a 1-0 shutout win for 41. pure heaven, as **** Enberg would say, OH MY


    Hey Tom, it’s exciting to see that you will be bloging with us.

    Hey Tom, while I must admit that you are undoubtably one of our best pitchers ever, and deserve the title of the francise, I must admit that you disappoint me.

    Hey Tom, how will you react next time a young person approaches you and ask’s for an autograph? I hear “your name” is a popular phase to write on baseballs.

    Hey Tom, how will you react when a young person comes up to you and ask’s for a photo with you? I hear that there are many different vista’s that are worth photographing.

    I’m sorry that you are not making the kind of money that the players are making today.


    I know one thing I if I could pick a team today and have anyone from the last fifty years to draft from and I had the first pick it would be Tom Seaver. I think that he could be the best pitcher in any ear he pitched in. If #41 was pitching today he’d be the dominant pitcher of this era. I’d love to see him on the mound against Mr Bonds that’s for sure. I’m sure Seaver would have his number in a hurry.


    Thanks for the memories, Tom.

    I loved the Mets in “69 and will always be trying to be ” The Franchise ” like my favorite pitcher from the ’70’s thru the mid ’80’s.

    From a power player to a power pitcher…lifes short, blog hard !

    Mike from


    Way to be a corporate tool Tommy. You’re Greenwich man, you don’t need this.


    Hi Tom,
    You turned me from a NY Giant fan to a METS fan…I used to sneak out of eighth grade and take the bus to the Polo Grounds to watch Willie “Say Hey” Mays run out from under his hat. When the Giants left town I cried but then you came and the METS became and still are my team! Thanks and I’ll want to try your wine!


    I know this is a Mets forum and that you will always be primarily know as a Met, but as a huge Reds fan your service to Cincinnati means alot to me. In Reds history you are right up there with Soto, Rijo, Gullet, and Nolan to name a few.
    Too bad the ’81 season worked out the way it did. The best record in baseball, yet not able to go to the playoffs. We like to see your comments on that sometime.

    I wish I had the opportunity to listen to you broadcast a game. Good luck Mets fans on what could be a promising season this year.

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